March 11, 2021 


It may seem as if there is a celebration for every cause, profession, food or activity … & seriously who hasn’t rolled their eyes at World Chocolate Caramel Day (but no complaining here). However, some days spread important messages and raise awareness of issues happening throughout the world. Today is World Plumbing Day, we may be a little bias but the message this day promotes is so crucial and should ring clear to all.

The World Plumbing Council (WPC) is an international organisation which aims to achieve the best possible plumbing for the world through growth and development. WPC introduced World Plumbing Day in 2010 as an international event to be held each year on March 11 as a means of highlighting the importance that plumbing plays in the health, safety and sustainability of our community.

The WPC has highlighted significant improvements over the last 15 years which includes over 1 BILLION people gaining access to piped water supplies and an 11% increase in the global population of people who use managed sanitation services.

A few other reasons as to why we celebrate World Plumbing Day;

 – to remind ourselves to be grateful for the skills of those who work on our efficient plumbing systems 

– to reflect on the innovative plumbing advancements to protect plumbing health and improve the world 

– to raise awareness about the health related outcomes of plumbing that often get taken for granted

– to concentrate on communities that still need more and better plumbing to have improved living standards and a better life

Plumbing is such an important industry and contributes greatly to the quality of life and well-being that we enjoy each and every day!

We are proud to get behind this important day and shine a light on not only our awesome plumbers at Plumbing Maintenance Services but also plumbers from across the world.

Thank you for keeping your community healthy and safe!

WORLD PLUMBING DAY Plumbing Maintenance Services AUS - Darwin and North Brisbane